Welcome to Mint by Underdog Protocol

Mint by Underdog Protocol supercharges your digital asset workflows. We use Metaplex Core, the next-generation NFT standard, to easily create, distribute, and manage NFTs.


Collections are the primary organizational unit for your NFTs. Groups of related NFTs are created in the same Collection. NFTs in a Collection are referred to as Assets.


When creating a Collection, you can configure additional plugins to have more control over the Assets in the Collection.

Owner cannot transfer Assets in the Collection
Retain authority to transfer Assets in the Collection
Retain authority to burn Assets in the Collection


When creating an Asset in a Collection, metadata (i.e. name, description, image) is determined by a Template.

A Template with the Collection's metadata is automatically created when creating a Collection.

If you want to create Assets with metadata different than the Collection, first create a custom Template. Then select the Template when creating your Asset or Candy Machine.


There are two ways to create Assets in a Collection:

1. Airdrop Assets directly to wallets

2. Use a Candy Machine to distribute Assets


When airdropping Assets directly to wallets, start with a Template to use as the metadata for the Assets.

Then specify the addresses of the wallets you want the Assets to be airdropped to. You can airdrop up to four wallets per transaction.

If you want to airdrop Assets to a large number of wallets, you can use our mass airdrop tool.

Mass Airdrop NFTs

Candy Machine

Candy Machines allow you to distribute Assets that are minted on the fly by the claimer. When creating the Candy Machine, you can configure the metadata, price, and mint limits.

Metadata for the items minted by the Candy Machine
Number of items available to mint
Price for each item minted by the Candy Machine. Use 0 for free.
Max number of mints per wallet. Use 0 for no limit.
Load the Candy Machine with unique items